American School
Guarantor Login

Student Code

The Student Code is printed on your American School Student Center Welcome Letter and on your American School progress reports.


Forgot your password?

Note: If you changed your password between 4/16 and 4/26 (2020) then you may have to use the password you received in the welcome letter.

Click here for password assistance.

If this is the first time you're using the American School Student Center, your temporary password is indicated in the Welcome Letter.


Not a guarantor?
I'm a Student
I'm a Counselor or other school representative
Having trouble?
For Guarantors with currently enrolled students you will be sent your student code and password by U.S. Mail. Please do not call the school for your student code and password as for security reasons they will not be given out over the phone.
I've logged in before, but I forgot my password.
How does the login process work?
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